Released in 2012, Blood is a psychological thriller directed by Nick Murphy and written by Bill Gallagher.

A co-production between Neal Street Productions and Red Production Company with BBC Films, BFI and in association with IM Global, Quickfire Films and Lipsync Productions.


A contemporary Greek tragedy set around the investigation into the murder of a young girl, Blood is a psychological thriller about two brothers whose lives begin to collapse under the weight of their father's shadow.

Key Creatives & Cast

Key Creatives
Directed by Nick Murphy
Written by Bill Gallagher
Produced by Pippa Harris, Nick Laws & Nicola Shindler 
Executive Produced by Sam Mendes
Cinematography by George Richmond
Production Design by Cristina Casali
Costume Design by Michele Clapton
Edited by Victoria Boydell
Music by Daniel Pemberton
Casting by Nina Gold 

Paul Bettany
Mark Strong
Brian Cox
Stephen Graham
Zoë Tapper
Ben Crompton
Naomi Battrick 
Natasha Little